What we do

Sadel is a Luxembourg based family office which focuses on pan-European investments around property, logistics, green energy and the food supply chain. Primarily focusing on supply chain security through automation, net zero and location. Sadel has been active in these markets with over 30 years of experience across numerous investments.


Our Group Values

Connected Thinking

The British and European supply chain is made up of unconnected nodes. Manufacturers and suppliers that don’t work together. We aim to drive efficiency by changing this model to a system fit for the modern era.

Bold Vision

Bold Vision

From unconnected nodes to a traceable, connected and intelligent supply network; we intend to fundamentally change the way Europe’s supply chain operates.

Specific Expertise

Specific Expertise

Our market intelligence is informed by the very best and brightest within the industries we operate in. We manage this by operating the businesses they’re involved in.